There is a bewildering array of acronyms used in education, and here are some of them.
To make matter worse, as education resources are increasingly global, you may come across acronyms from other education systems. Of course there's more than one abreviation for the same thing, and of course the same acronym can mean different things in the same country.
There's some evidence that referring to children by acronyms for one facet of how they present to the school can be confusing and harmful. Using acronyms in communication with parents should also be done with care - if you've ever had to look it up, it's best to assume parents / carers won't understand them. The goal of communication is to impart meaning; acronyms are generally an obstacle to that.
Are we missing any?
504 | Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights statute which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. A 504 plan is an individual education plan for a special-needs student. USA |
A level | Advanced level examinations UK |
ABE | Adult Basic Education USA |
ACE | Advisory Centre for Education UK |
ACL | Adult Community Learning UK |
ACPC | Area Child Protection Committee UK |
ACT | Prior to 1996, known as the American College Testing Program. ACT offers a college level assessment test. USA |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act USA |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance USA |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder International |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder International |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children USA |
AFL | Assessment for Learning UK |
AH | Advanced Higher. Scottish equivalent to A -level / IB subject Scotland |
AH | Auditory Handicap Services (provided by RCOE) USA |
AI | Assigned Inspector UK |
AIP | Academic Improvement Plan USA |
ALI | Adult Learning Inspectorate UK |
ALIS | A Level Indicator System UK |
ALPS | Advanced Level Performance System UK |
AoC | Association of Colleges UK |
AP | Advanced Placement USA |
APE | Adaptive Physical Education USA |
API | Academic Performance Index USA |
APP | Assessing Pupil Progress UK |
APT&C | Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical UK |
AQA | Assessment and Qualifications Alliance UK |
AR | Accelerated Reader™. Created by Renaissance Learning USA |
ASB | Aggregated Schools Budget UK |
ASB | Associated Student Body USA |
ASCL | Association School and College Leaders UK |
ASD | Autistic Spectrum Disorders International |
ASP | Analyse School Performance UK |
ASPECT | Association of Professionals in Education and Children’s Trusts UK |
AST | Advanced Skills Teacher UK |
AT | Attainment Target (in National Curriculum) UK |
ATL | Association of Teachers and Lecturers UK |
AWPU(N) | Age Weighted Pupil Unit (Number) UK |
AYP | Annual Yearly Progress USA |
BA | Bachelor of Arts UK |
BAC | Behaviour and Attendance Collaborative UK |
BAGA | British Amateur Gymnastics Association UK |
BDA | British Deaf Association UK |
BDA | British Dietetic Association UK |
BDA | British Dyslexia Association UK |
BECTA | British Educational Communications and Technology Agency UK |
BEd | Bachelor of Education UK |
BEI | British Education Index UK |
BETT | British Education and Training Technology, a trade show UK |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan USA |
BITC | Business in the Community UK |
BLN | Bradford Learning Network UK |
BME | Black and Minority Ethnic UK |
BSA | Basic Skills Agency UK |
BSc | Bachelor of Science UK |
BSP | Behaviour Support Plan UK |
BSS | Behaviour Support Service UK |
BTEC | Business and Technology Education Council UK |
C&G | City and Guilds UK |
CAB | Citizens Advice Bureau UK |
CAC | Community Advisory Committee USA |
CAD | Computer Aided Design UK |
CAF | Common Application Form UK |
CAF | Common Assessment Framework UK |
CAF | Common Assessment Framework UK |
CAFM | Computer Aided Facilities Management UK |
CAHSEE | California High School Exit Exam USA |
CAL | Computer Assisted Learning UK |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacture UK |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service UK |
CAP | Common Application Process UK |
CAP | Child Action Project UK |
CASE | Campaign for the Advancement of State Education UK |
CAT | Cognitive Ability Test UK |
CAT | Curriculum Attainment Target UK |
CATS | Credit Accumulation and Transfer System UK |
CBE | Community-based education USA |
CBEDS | California Basic Educational Data System USA |
CCS | California Children’s Services (an agency providing Occupational and Physical Therapy for children) USA |
CCT | Compulsory Competitive Tendering UK |
CDS | Community Day School USA |
CDT | Craft, Design and Technology UK |
CE | (Bradford) Confederations Executive UK |
CEG | Careers Education Guidance UK |
CELDT | California English Language Development Test USA |
CEM | Centre for Education Management UK |
CFE | Countryside Foundation for Education UK |
CFET | Certificate in Further Education and Training UK |
CH | Communicatively Handicapped. Also referred to as Severe Language Disorder USA |
CHSPE | California High School Proficiency Exam USA |
CIF | Common Inspection Framework UK |
CIN | Child(ren) in Need UK |
CLAIT | Computer Literacy and Information Technology UK |
CMH | County Mental Health USA |
CMIS | Central Management Information System (provided by Serco) UK |
CNAA | Council for National Academic Awards UK |
CoC | Changing Our Council (BMDC) UK |
COC | Citizens' Oversight Committee USA |
CoVE | Centre of Vocational Excellence UK |
CP | Child Protection UK |
CP | Cerebral Palsy USA |
CPA | Comprehensive Performance Assessment UK |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development UK |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development UK |
CPS | Classroom Teachers Pay Spine UK |
CPS | Child Protective Services USA |
CPVE | Certificate of Pre-vocational Education UK |
CRB | Criminal Records Bureau UK |
CRISS | Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies USA |
CRL | California Reading List USA |
CST | Curriculum Support Team UK |
CST | Child Study Team USA |
CTB | Competency Testing Battery USA |
CTC | City Technology College UK |
CTF | Common Transfer File UK |
CWA | Child Welfare and Attendance USA |
D/HH | Deaf/Hard of Hearing USA |
D&T | Design and Technology UK |
DAC | District Advisory Committee USA |
DARE | Drug and Resistance Education USA |
DC | Devolved Capital UK |
DCPO | Designated Child Protection Officer UK |
DD | Developmentally Delayed USA |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act UK |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 UK |
DfE | Department for Education UK |
DfE | The Department for Education UK |
DHH | Deaf and Hard of Hearing. An eligibility category USA |
DI | The Dyslexia Institute UK |
DIS | Designated Instruction and Services. Also known as “related services” under federal regulations USA |
DLO | Desirable Learning Outcomes UK |
DOB | Date of Birth UK |
DRC | Disability Rights Commission UK |
DTP | Desktop Publishing UK |
DWP | Department of Work and Pensions UK |
EA | Equality Act, 2010 UK |
EAB | Examinations Appeals Board UK |
EAL | English as an Additional Language UK |
EAL | English as an Additional Language UK |
EAZ | Education Achievement Zone UK |
EAZ | Education Action Zone UK |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty UK |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties UK |
EBP | Education Business Partnership UK |
EC | Excellence Cluster UK |
eCAF | Electronic Common Assessment Framework UK |
ED | Emotional Disturbance USA |
EDU | Education Development Unit UK |
EENET | Enabling Education Network UK |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language UK |
EH | Emotionally Handicapped USA |
EHCP | Education Health Care Plan (Historically known as a Statement of SEN) UK |
EHP | Early Headship Provision UK |
EiC | Excellence in Cities UK |
EIP | Education Improvement Partnerships UK |
EL/ELL | English Learner or English Language Learner USA |
ELD | English Language Development USA |
ELG | Early Learning Goal UK |
EMA | Ethnic Minority Achievement UK |
EMAG | Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant UK |
EMAS | Ethnic Minorities Achievement Service UK |
EMH | Educable Mentally Handicapped USA |
EMS | Education Management System UK |
EO | Education Otherwise UK |
EO | Equal Opportunities UK |
EO | English Only. A designation for native English speakers USA |
EOTAS | Education Other than at School UK |
EP | Educational Psychologist UK |
EP | Educational Psychologist UK |
EPM | Education Plan Monitoring UK |
EPT | Educational Psychology Team UK |
ERA | Education Reform Act UK |
ESE | Exceptional Student Education. (In some areas of the country known as EEN Exceptional Educational Needs.) USA |
ESF | European Social Fund UK |
ESL | English as a Second Language. Student’s native language is not English. USA |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages UK |
ESOL | English Speakers of Other Languages USA |
ESW | Education Social Worker UK |
ETR | Evaluation Team Report USA |
ETS | Educational Testing Service USA |
EU | European Union UK |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer UK |
EY (EYFS or EYFSP) | Early Years (Early Years Foundation Stage or Early Years Foundation Stage Programme) UK |
EYCS | Early Years and Childcare Service UK |
EYDCP | Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership UK |
EYDP | Early Years Development Plan UK |
EYFSP | Early Years Foundation Stage Programme UK |
EYPP | Early Years Pupil Premium UK |
FAA | Functional Analysis Assessment USA |
FAETC | Further and Adult Education Training Certificate UK |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aide USA |
FAP | Fair Access Protocol UK |
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education USA |
FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment USA |
FE | Further Education UK |
FEFC | Further Education Funding Council UK |
FEP | Fluent English Proficient USA |
FEP-R | Fluent English Proficient-Reclassified (students moving from EL to FEP status) USA |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act USA |
FEX | Fixed Term Exclusions from school UK |
FF | Fair Funding UK |
FFA | Future Farmers of America USA |
FFS | Farms for Schools UK |
FFT | Fischer Family Trust (a charity that provides estimates of pupil performance) UK |
FKS | Foundation Key Stage UK |
FL | Family Learning UK |
FLLN | Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy UK |
FLO | Family Liaison Officer UK |
FMS | Financial Management System (Capita) UK |
FOI | Freedom of Information (Act) UK |
FORM 7 | DfE form sent every January requesting school statistics (replaced by PLASC which has, in turn, been replaced by School Census from January 2007) UK |
FRESA | Framework for Regional Employment and Skills Action UK |
FRS | Fire and Rescue Service UK |
FS | Foundation Stage UK |
FSA | Financial Services Authority UK |
FSM | Free School Meals UK |
FSP | Foundation Stage Profile UK |
FSS | Formula Spending Share UK |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent UK |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent USA |
FY | Fiscal Year USA |
G&T | Gifted and Talented UK |
GATE | Gifted and Talented Education USA |
GBA | Governing Bodies Association UK |
GCE A | General Certificate of Education Advanced Level UK |
GCE AS | General Certificate of Education Advanced Supplementary UK |
GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education UK |
GED | General Education Development Test (A GED Diploma may be granted if the individual passes the GED Test) USA |
GLD | Good level of development (an Early Years judgement) UK |
GM | Grant Maintained UK |
GNVQ | General National Vocational Qualification UK |
GOYH | Government Office of Yorkshire and Humberside UK |
GPA | Grade Point Average USA |
GRE | Graduate Records Examination USA |
GSA | Girls' School Association UK |
GSB | General Schools Budget UK |
GSE | Golden State Examination USA |
GTC | General Teaching Council UK |
H&S | Health and Safety UK |
HACSG | Hyperactive Children’s Support Group UK |
HE | Higher Education UK |
HEADLAMP | The Headteachers’ Leadership and Management Programme UK |
HEFC | Higher Education Funding Council UK |
HELP | Hemet Education Learning Program USA |
HESA | Higher Education Statistics Agency UK |
HI | Hearing Impaired USA |
Higher | Scottish post-a6 examination. Equivalent to an A/S level, Scotland |
HiMP | Health Improvement Plan UK |
HIP | Headteachers' Induction Programme (now replaced by EHP) UK |
HLTA | Higher Level Teaching Assistant UK |
HMC | Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference UK |
HMCI | Her Majesty's Chief Inspector UK |
HMI | Her Majesty's Inspector(ate) UK |
HMM | Healthy Minds Matter UK |
HMSO | Her Majesty's Stationery Office UK |
HODs | Heads of Departments UK |
HRF | Health Related Fitness UK |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive UK |
HT | Headteacher UK |
HUSD | Hemet Unified School District USA |
IAG | Individual Advice and Guidance UK |
IASA | Improving America's Schools Act USA |
IB | International Baccalaureate. A-level equivalent for international schools. UK |
ICS | Integrated Children's System UK |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology UK |
ICT | Information Communication Technology UK |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act USA |
IDEA 97 | The reauthorization and revisions of IDEA made in 1997 USA |
IEC | Interfaith Education Centre UK |
IEP | Individual Education Plan UK |
IEP | Individual Education Plan UK |
IEP | Individualized Education Plan. A legal document requires for ESE students USA |
IfL | Institute for Learning UK |
IFSP | Individual Family Service Plan USA |
II/USP | Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program USA |
IiC | Investors in Children UK |
IIP | Investors in People UK |
ILP | Individual Learning Plan UK |
ILR | Individual Learner Record UK |
ILS | Integrated Learning Systems UK |
Inclusion | The inclusion of pupils with special needs within mainstream school. UK |
INSET | In-service Education and Training UK |
INSET | IN-SErvice Training day UK |
IRA | International Reading Association USA |
IRT | The Identification, Referral and Tracking of children and young people at risk UK |
IS Index | Information Sharing Index UK |
ISA | Information Sharing and Assessment UK |
ISA | Independent Schools Association UK |
ISB | Individual Schools Budget (i.e. the delegated budget for each school) UK |
ISC | Independent Schools Council UK |
ISEB | Independent Schools Examination Board UK |
ISI | Independent Schools Inspectorate UK |
ISIS | Independent Schools Information Service UK |
ISP | Integrated Service Plan UK |
ISR | Individual School Range UK |
IT | Information Technology International |
ITT | Initial Teacher Training UK |
IYSS | Integrated Youth Support Service UK |
JAR | Joint Area Review UK |
JCQ | Joint Council for Qualifications UK |
JROTC | Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps USA |
KS | Key Stage UK |
KS1 | Key Stage 1 Years 1-2 (5 - 7 year olds) UK |
KS2 | Key Stage 2 Years 3-6 (8 - 11 year olds) UK |
KS3 | Key Stage 3 Years 7-9 (12-14 year olds) UK |
KS4 | Key Stage 4 Years 10-11 (15 - 16 year olds) UK |
LA | Local Authority UK |
LAC | Looked After Children UK |
LAN/WAN | Local Area Network/Wide Area Network USA |
LAP | Local Achievement Partnership UK |
LD | Learning Disabled USA |
LDP | Local Delivery Plan UK |
LEA | Local Education Authority UK |
LEA | Local Education Agency USA |
Learndirect | National Education and Training Helpline UK |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency. Of late, the term "English learner" is being used in parts of the country USA |
LH | Learning Handicapped (a mild handicap) USA |
LIF | Local Initiative Fund UK |
LIG | Leadership Incentive Grant UK |
LLD | Language Learning Disabilities USA |
LLDD | Learner with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities UK |
LMS | Local Management of Schools UK |
LMSS | Local Management of Special Schools UK |
LPSA | Local Public Service Agreement UK |
LPSH | Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers UK |
LRE | Least-Restrictive Environment USA |
LRM | Local Resource Management UK |
LSA | Learning Support Assistant UK |
LSB | Local Schools Budget (i.e. the total budget available to be spent on schools) UK |
LSC | Learning and Skills Council UK |
LSDA | Learning Skills Development Agency UK |
LSE | Library Services for Education UK |
LSH | Language, Speech, and Hearing USA |
LSP | Local Strategic Partnership UK |
LSW | Learning Support Workers UK |
LTJ | Learning Together Journals UK |
M.Ed | Master of Education UK |
MA | Master of Arts UK |
MCI | Management Charter Initiative UK |
MD | Multiple Disabilities USA |
MENCAP | Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults UK |
MFL | Modern Foreign Languages UK |
MFL | Modern Foreign Language UK |
MH | Mildly Handicapped USA |
MIND | National Association for Mental Health UK |
MIS | Management Information System UK |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulty UK |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulties UK |
MM | Mild to Moderate handicap USA |
MPS | Main Pay Scale UK |
MR | Mental Retardation. An eligibility category USA |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis USA |
MSc | Master of Science UK |
MTFS | Medium Term Financial Strategy UK |
NACAB | National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux UK |
NACE | National Association for Able Children in Education UK |
NAGC | National Association for Gifted Children UK |
NAGM | National Association of Governors and Managers UK |
NAHT | National Association of Headteachers UK |
NAPE | National Association for Primary Education UK |
NAS | National Autistic Society UK |
NASUWT | National Association of School Teachers/Union of Women Teachers UK |
NASUWT | National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers UK |
Nat 5 | National 5. The Scottish Equivalent of GCSEs Scotland |
NATFHE | National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education UK |
NC | National Curriculum UK |
NCB | National Children's Bureau UK |
NCER | National Consortium of Examination Results UK |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind. Individual state contracts. USA |
NCMA | National Childminding Association UK |
NCPTA | National Conference of Parent Teacher Associations UK |
NCSL | National College of School Leadership UK |
NCT | Non-contact time UK |
NCT | National Curriculum Tests UK |
NCVQ | National Council for Vocational Qualifications UK |
NCY | National Curriculum Year UK |
NDS | New Deal for Schools UK |
NEET | Not in Education, Employment or Training UK |
NEOST | National Employers Organisation for School Teachers UK |
NEP | Non-English Proficient USA |
NES | Non-English Speaking. This term has been replaced with EL or ELL USA |
NETTS | National Education and Training Targets UK |
NEU | National Education Union UK |
NFER | National Federation for Educational Research UK |
NFF | National Formula Funding UK |
NGC | National Council for Governing Bodies UK |
NGFL | National Grid for Learning UK |
NHS HT | National Health Service Hospital Trust UK |
NHS PT | National Health Service Partnership Trust UK |
NIACE | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education UK |
NLP | National Literacy Project UK |
NN | Neighbourhood Nurseries UK |
NNEB | National Nursery Examination Board UK |
NOCN | National Open College Network UK |
NOF | New Opportunities Fund UK |
NoR | Number on Roll UK |
NOVA | End of Key Stage results analysis tool provided by the NCER UK |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship UK |
NPQH – | National Professional Qualification for Head Teachers UK |
NPQSL | National Professional Qualification for Subject Leaders UK |
NPS | Non-Public School USA |
NQT | Newly Qualified Teacher UK |
NQT – | Newly Qualified Teacher UK |
NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children UK |
NUPE | National Union of Public Employees UK |
NUT | National Union of Teachers UK |
NUT | National Union of Teachers UK |
NVQ | National Vocational Qualifications UK |
NVQ | National Vocational Qualification UK |
O and A | Observation and Assessment UK |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder USA |
OCN | Open College Network UK |
OCR | Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations UK |
OCR | On Campus Retention USA |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education UK |
Ofsted | Office for Standards in Education UK |
OHI | Other Health Impairment. An eligibility category USA |
OI | Orthopedically Impaired USA |
OJC | Officers' Joint Committee (BMDC) with Unison UK |
OOHL | Out of Hours Learning UK |
OT | Occupational Therapy USA |
OU | Open University UK |
P1, P2 | Primary 1, Primary 2, etc. Equivalent of Reception (P1), Year 1 (P2) in the rest of the UK. Scotland |
PAC | Public Affairs & Communications (BMDC) UK |
PAC | Parent Advisory Committee USA |
PAN | Planned Admission Number UK |
PANDA | Performance and Data Analysis UK |
PANDAS | Performance and Assessment Documents UK |
PAT | Professional Association of Teachers UK |
PATA | Parent and Toddler Association UK |
PCT | Primary Care Team UK |
PDC | Professional Development Consultancy UK |
PE | Physical Education UK |
PE | Physical Education USA |
PEACH | Parents for the Early intervention of Autism in Children UK |
PEO | Principal Education Officer UK |
PEPs | Personal Education Plans UK |
PEX | Permanent Exclusion from school UK |
PfS | Playing for Success UK |
PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education UK |
PI | Physically Impaired USA |
PID | Project Initiation Document UK |
PIN | Parents Information Network UK |
PIP | Performance Improvement Plan UK |
PIs | Performance Indicators UK |
PLASC | Pupil Level Annual Schools Census (replaced by School Census from January 2007) UK |
PLP | Primary Leadership Programme UK |
PM | Performance Management UK |
PMH | Profoundly Mentally Handicapped USA |
PO | Project Officer UK |
PoCA | Protection of Children Act UK |
PoS | Programmes of Study (in National Curriculum) UK |
PP | Pupil Premium UK |
PPA | Pre-school Playgroups Association UK |
PPA | Planning, Preparation and Assessment UK |
PRB | Performance Review Board UK |
PRC | Pupil Referral Centre UK |
PRP | Performance Related Pay UK |
PRU | Pupil Referral Unit UK |
PSA | Parent School Association UK |
PSA | Pupil Support Assistant UK |
PSAT | Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test USA |
PSE | Personal and Social Education UK |
PSHE | Personal, Social and Health Education UK |
PSHE+C | Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education UK |
PSS | Pupil and Student Services Group UK |
PT | Physical Therapy USA |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association UK |
PTR | Pupil Teacher Ratio UK |
QA | Quality Assurance UK |
QAA | Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education UK |
QAN | Qualification Accreditation Number UK |
QCA | Qualifications and Curriculum Authority UK |
QTA | Qualified Teacher Status UK |
QTPS | Qualified Teachers Pay Spine UK |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status UK |
R (Y1, Y2 etc) | Reception (Year 1 etc) UK |
RAISE | Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School UK |
RARPA | Recognising and recording progress and achievement UK |
RDA | Regional Development Agency UK |
RE | Religious Education UK |
READS | Racial Equality and Diversity Service UK |
Reg 33 | Regulation 33 relation to the inspection of children's homes UK |
RgI | Registered Inspector UK |
RoA | Record of Achievement UK |
ROP | Regional Occupational Program USA |
ROTC | Reserve Officers Training Corps USA |
RSA | Royal Society of Arts Examination Board UK |
RSP | Resource Specialist Program USA |
RSU | Research and Statistics Unit UK |
S&L | Speech and Language USA |
S1, S2 | Secondary 1, Secondary 2, etc. 1st, 2nd etc year of secondary school Scotland |
s2s | School to school secure data transfer system UK |
SAC | School Advisory Council USA |
SACRE | Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education UK |
SAR | Self Assessment Report UK |
SARB | School Attendance Review Board USA |
SARC | School Accountability Report Card USA |
SASI | School Administrative Student Information (School Information) USA |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test. Administered by the College Board USA |
SAT-9 | Stanford 9 Achievement Test USA |
SATs | Standard Assessment Task/Test UK |
SCC | School causing concern UK |
School Census | Pupil level statistics collected termly by DfE UK |
SCR | Single Central Record UK |
SDC | Special Day Class USA |
SDFSC | Safe and Drug Free Schools & Community USA |
SDP | School Development Plan UK |
SED | Severely Emotionally Disabled USA |
SEF | School self-evaluation form issued by Ofsted UK |
SEL | Social Emotional Learning UK |
SELPA | Special Education Local Plan Area USA |
SEMT | School Emergency Management Team UK |
SEN | Special Educational Needs UK |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Coordinator UK |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities UK |
SENDA | Special Educational Needs Discrimination Act UK |
SEP | Single Education Plan UK |
SEU | Standards and Effectiveness Unit UK |
SFR | Statistical First Release (DfE data release) UK |
SH | Severely Handicapped USA |
SHA | Secondary Heads Association UK |
SHMIS | Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools UK |
SIMS | Schools Information Management System (provided by Capita) UK |
SIP | School Improvement Partner UK |
SIP | School Improvement Partner UK |
SIP | School Improvement Plan USA |
SIS | Student Information System USA |
SLA | Service Level Agreement UK |
SLC | Student Loans Company UK |
SLD | Severe Learning Difficulty UK |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability USA |
SLI | Speech and Language Impaired USA |
SM | Special Measures UK |
SMART | Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-scaled targets UK |
SMSC | Spiritual Moral Social Cultural UK |
SMT | Senior Management Team UK |
SMT/SLT | Senior Management/ Leadership Team UK |
SN | Standard Number (replaced PAL - Planned Admission Level UK |
SOP | School Organisation Plan UK |
SoS | Secretary of State UK |
Soulbury | Pay scale for education staff UK |
SoW | Scheme of Work UK |
SPaG | Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar UK |
SPAW | School Performance Award Scheme UK |
SPED | Special Education USA |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulty UK |
SRB | Single Regeneration Budget UK |
SRO | School Resource Officer USA |
SRS | Safer Routes to Schools UK |
SSA | Standard Spending Assessment UK |
SSC | School Site Council USA |
SSCO | School Support Coordinators UK |
SSE | School Self Evaluation UK |
SSF | School Standards Fund UK |
SSFA | School Standards and Framework Act 1998 UK |
SSM | Strategic Support Managers (BMDC) UK |
SST | Student Services Team USA |
STABIS | State Boarding School Information Service UK |
STAR | Standardized Testing and Reporting USA |
STRB | School Teachers' Review Body UK |
SURE Start | Sure Start is a government programme bringing together, early education, childcare, health and family support agencies UK |
SW | Serious Weaknesses UK |
TBI | Trainable Mentally Handicapped. Also Traumatic Brain Injury. USA |
TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language UK |
TES | Times Educational Supplement UK |
Threshold | After Point M6 on the main pay scale, teachers then have to fulfil certain criteria to pass through the threshold to get to Upper Scale. UK |
TIG | Teacher Improvement Group UK |
TIG | Targettied Intervention Group UK |
TLR | Teaching and Learning Responsibilities UK |
TMH | Trainable Mentally Handicapped USA |
TP | Teachers' Pensions UK |
TSA | Teacher Support Assistant UK |
TSC | Transactional Services Centre (BMDC) UK |
TTA | Teacher Training Agency UK |
TUC | Trade Union Congress UK |
TUPE | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education USA |
UCAS | University and Colleges Admissions Service UK |
UfA | University of the First Age UK |
ULN | Unique Learner Number UK |
UPN | Unique Pupil Number UK |
UPS | Upper Pay Scale UK |
VA | Voluntary Aided UK |
VA | Value Added UK |
VC | Voluntary Controlled UK |
VE | Varying Exceptionalities USA |
VH | Visual Impairment. An eligibility category USA |
VI | Visually Impaired USA |
Virement | The movement of funds between budget headings. UK |
VRQ | Verbal Reasoning Quotient UK |
WBL | Work Based Learning UK |
WEA | Workers Educational Association UK |
WISC-IV | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth Edition USA |
WJIII | Woodcock-Johnson tests of Achievement – Third Edition USA |
WTC | Work Training Center USA |
WYLP | West Yorkshire Learning Providers UK |
Y1, Y2 etc | Year 1, Year 2 etc UK |
YELLIS | Year 11 Indicator System UK |
YIST | Youth Inclusion and Support Team UK |
YOT (or S) | Youth Offending Team (or Service) UK |
YPLA | Youg Person's Learning Agency UK |
YTS | Youth Training Scheme UK |
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